Category Archives: Tech

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digital future

Two days ago , i read this at nibaq post
about the digital future of hollywood

it seem that the digital revolution did not stop , after the blogs and online donation effect in the 2004 election

Its now charging TV

Al gore and other investor have started Current TV which according to yahoo news What seprate this channel and others is that

Central to their strategy is inviting Current’s viewers to supply their own video content and helping them produce it using editing tools that Current will make available on its Web site.

That video eventually will comprise more than half the programming seen on the channel.

So its going to have more home movies in it that regular TV , and some of these just rock , as seen on some internet sites like ifilm

if you can’t adopt , you don’t live long , and thats why companies like sega nearly closed

another intersting site that use google

well , i love google ( duh ? ) i did write two post before about it
first post about google
more from google

what i like best about it is the API , and how people keep on building stuff using it
TouchGraph a site that draw a graph for your site and show you who link to you (using google )

well , now there is a new google tool on the block , and thats montage-a-google
it search for picture about a keyword you enter and makes it a nice moasic painting

its nice looking , right ? 🙂

flickr and more flickr !

flicker is amazing , i have a user name there , and upload picture from time to time
amazing sites spwan other amazing sites that use it

Flickr Graph
is an application that explores the social relationships inside , you use it by entering your username or e-mail ( if you have a flickr account and you have contacts in flickr ) its fun and show you how some people are multi connected and how some aren’t ( like me 🙁 )

Flickr world map
is a world map using flickr pictures and tags
The map plots 1200 random cities from a pool of 36539 from all over the world
of course each time i refresh and see what we have in kuwait i get one of Miskan pictures , maybe because he over use tags ?