Category Archives: General

Mofa Blunder or is it ?

(Dual languge post for importance of the topic )

While browsing i saw this
اليوم و انا اتصفح شفت الخبر التالي
From Alaan [Link][Arabic]

قال مدير عام المعهد الدبلوماسي في وزارة الخارجية السفير عبد العزيز الشارخ ان نتائج اختبار المتقدمين للعمل بالوزارة سيتم الاعلان عنها صباح غد الخميس عبر الموقع الالكتروني للوزارة على شبكة الانترنت
واضاف السفير الشارخ في تصريح لوكالة الانباء الكويتية (كونا) اليوم انه يمكن للمتقدم للعمل بالوزارة ان يعرف نتيجته بعد ان يقوم بادخال رقم بطاقته المدنية في المكان المخصص لذلك على الموقع المشار اليه اعلاه.

The General Manager of the Diplomatic institute in the Ministry of foreign affair said that the results of the Diplomats is going to be published online on the ministry website

So i wanted to check it, i go to Mofa Site
and click the link on the corner , and where it take me ?

طبا اكيد ابي اشوف شلون حاطينها ، بعد ما ضغطت علي الرابط بالزاويه وين وداني ؟

Wait a minute , what is this Sell11 ?

لحظه لحظه ! شنو هالموقع ؟

ITS A CAR SELLING SITE , really Mofa , your diplomat information at a car selling site ?

حراج!!موقع حراج سيارات ؟
خلصت المواقع ياوزاره الخارجيه حاطين بيانات الدبلوماسيين علي الحراج ؟

This has only one , and one meaning , the guy who published it in the minsitry own the other site , and wanted the Traffic

هذا معناه شيء واحد ، الشخص الذي كلف بنشر المعلومات يملك موقع الحراج و اراد ان يرفع عدد زوار موقعه

What a Shame

My Trip to Gitex 2010

So i went to Dubai to attend Gitex 2010 Last , should have posted this early but got sidetracked by many things

the Government section is HUGE , UAE are going full into the Digital Age , a lot of Government ministries and agency are giving a lot of services online , with many ways

From Iphone apps

to Cooperating with RIM to give service on the Black Berry for the Government

but it is not just services , they are trying to seed the way for more advanced and knowledgeable generation ( the role our government should be playing but they aren’t )

Black Berry keynote

MicroSoft was there to tout their own products like Windows 7 and mobile 7

Microsoft keynote

on another note, to take your mind about the sad , here are some humors

Intel booth , made me want to change my Chip

Intel booth at Gitex

Razor Booth , the girls were covered the the days after

Razor booth

Saudi Arabia Gitex , someone this should be filed under False advertising

Saudi Arabia Gitex booth

Oh and i managed to get my hand on Galaxy Tab , expect a Review of it soon