Category Archives: Election

talk about election , mostly about kuwait

Alwatan at it again

Alwatan Daily as always , report things that are un-logical


تحصين الجداول الانتخابية، احكمت امره إدارة الانتخابات في وزارة الداخلية، ومن ضمن ذلك «اغلاق الباب امام مزدوجي الجنسية من التصويت في دائرتين مختلفتين، مثلما كان يحدث في الدوائر الـ 25 قبل الغزو، وبعده بسنوات قليلة».

واكد مسؤول طلب عدم نشر اسمه لـ «الوطن» ان «مزدوج الجنسية لن يستطيع الادلاء بصوته مرتين، حتى لو اختلف اسمه في الاثبات الكويتي عن هويته في الدولة الخليجية الاخرى، وهذا بفضل رصد الارقام الموحدة وارقام الجنسية والبطاقة المدنية، ووضع ذلك في برنامج خاص في اجهزة كمبيوتر سرية، اضافة الى كشوف محصنة يمنع التلاعب فيها».

The election department in the Ministry of Interior is done with securing the electorate list , among it closing the gate on people with dual nationality to vote in two separate districts as it happened before the Iraqi Invasion and couple of years after it

An unnamed Source assured Alwatan Daily that ” A dual Nationality would not be able to vote twice even if his name in the Kuwait ID does not match his Gulf ID and that is by tracking the National Number and Nationality identification and Civil ID and putting all that in secret computer programs and secure list that can’t be manipulated

Now you may be asking , that sound fine and dandy , whats my beef with them ?
I’ll tell you what

What use is it ?


To vote you need to present your Kuwaiti Nationality paper , you Civil ID or Driving license is not accepted , HOW DO YOU USE YOUR GULF ID FOR IT ?!?!?

Oh and that news report is written by 11 people !! and contain at least 14 news item mashed in one news report …..

Election and Blogs ( part one of many )

So the Election is back upon us again ( in less than a year none the less )

And it seem there is more interest this year in blogs than the election before it
two example i saw recently which draw my attention

First off , we have a candidate from Jahra , who even featured the blog in his Ad in the newspaper
and unlike the second example , is very active , but he need to talk more about what he is going to do , connect with his potential voters , not an article dump


The other example is Aseel AlAwadi , she had a blog but since the last election it was collecting dust and just posted a video saying she is going to go into this election also , waste of use of connecting to future and current supporters


Blog links for who want to check it out

USA Election 2008 Whoever wins , we lose

Its kinda funny to see people supporting Obama or McCain in Kuwait

Some are using argument that one of them is better than the other , some are still connected to the republican party ( by feeling of gratitude for Bush Sr part in liberation of Kuwait )
some liberals are still liberal , want to support all librals around the world ( just like communist back in the day or as the old joke says , we support all revolution and even the revolution on the Bounty )

In Fact both are Bad for Kuwait , for many reasons
I’ll just list one for each ( to be bipartisan )

Obama main Focus in Clean Energy and renewable energy , do you know where over 90% of our GDP comes from ? yeah the thing he want to get rid off

McCain is more focused on national security , and what the next threat to the USA ? Iran , which country is closer to Iran and its nuclear plants ? , Kuwait

and sadly our government is not equipped to combat any of these scenarios
when one parliament member is able to shack things up and shows that they couldn’t even build a defense infront of a lone member ( who isn’t covered by a tribe or sect or political party )

some Arabic Links about the Parliment member Enter-Q8 here and Exzombie here


* too much been going on , Election have ended which was Kinda something new , too much activity on the net this time , from ads to smear campaigns .

* I was on a play in University , the prof said it was great , but the general feeling among most actors ( that were in the play ) is that of major suckage , but that what you get for doing a play with 1 full rehearsal

* Exams Exams and more Exams , finals are drawing near , which would mean less blogging for also for a while :p

* I got attacked by some bloggers , its great to see how some people view you and make up shit as they go for the sake of attacking , but o well ,, typical Kuwait life i guess .

* I believe i have became a gadget junkie , just looking at my office in my room reveal too many things ,, ( why the hell i have a boxed CD Walkman ?!?!? ).

* Exzombie is a gossip girl , i have no idea why he had to post that i talk with him on skype , like we need to give ideas to people.

* I have ordered many books ( some are online comics reprints ) from Amazon , and i hope they get to kuwait by the time i finish my exams , and i do hope it doesn’t get stopped by the customs ( as always ) .

* I can never understand some people , why write full paragraph in Arabic l77t ? ( Arabic using English words and numbers ) i used to use that but only in 3 places ,, ICQ , Mirc and Msn messenger aka instant chat programs , why write it in message boards / forms / blogs ? either write in Arabic with Arabic letters or write in English with English letters .

* speaking of random stuff , does this logo look like a middle finger ?


Kuwait Election : Failure of Political Trends

If there is something that we can understand from this Election is that all political trends have failed in the Election

Now you can say that for example Salaf have increased their seat count , but thats not the area where i think all parties failed

What i speak of is going into the election as a party with similar or identical ideology or mentality

Let me explain my point here by giving couple of examples

In the second district , Khalid Sultan bin Essa is representing Salaf and was the Salaf candidate together with Abdullatif AlAmeeri
both won , but lets see their numbers [ number taken from Alrai Site ]

Khalid Sultan bin Essa third place with 8687 votes ( خالد السلطان )
Abdullatif AlAmeeri eights place with 5361 votes ( عبداللطيف العميرى )
aka there is 3326 vote deference that would mean there are over 38% of Khalid Sultan bin Essa voters who do not believe in his partner !!
( who was chosen whom he share the same ideology and mentality )

we notice the same thing with Democratic Alliance
Mohamed AlSager 6266 ( محمد الصقر )
Mohamed AlAbdulljader 3636 ( محمد العبدالجادر )
there is a 2630 deference that would mean there are over 41% of the people who voted for Mohamed AlSager didn’t vote for Mohamed AlAbdulljader ! ( who supposedly share the same ideology and mentality with )

Same thing with the Islamic Constitutional Movement ( Muslim brotherhood )
Jama’an AlHarbish 6496 votes (جمعان الحربش )
i couldn’t get the official numbers for Dua’j AlShamari ( دعيج الشمرى ) but i assume he got less than the guy at number 10 spot we lets assume he got 3600
that would mean there is at least 2896 vote deference between them and they are from the same party / movement

Well i do hope this serve as a wake up call for political trends and go back to politic 101 else our democracy wouldn’t evolve

( cross posted from my post at 5-q8 election blog [Arabic] ]