You Started it ..

So was Reading Newspapers ( as always ) and i noticed a small note in one of writers corners ( we do have a lot of writers )

[AlQabas][Link] {arabic}

نشاطر الشيخ راشد الحمود الجابر الصباح رأيه في الاعتراض على تسمية نص شارع الهلالي باسم المرحوم عبد العزيز الصقر

WE agree with Sheikh Rashid alhumod Aljaber AlSabah his opinion in on the nameing of 1/2 of Alhilai Street with the name ” Abdullaziz Alsajer”

( There is more but this is the part i need )

So i went checking , i don’t normally Read Sheikh Rashid Articles , not my taste
but him complaining about a name that should be interesting


يقسم هذا الشارع إلى قسمين، قسم باسم الشهداء والقسم الثاني باسم عبدالعزيز حمد الصقر!!. ما هذا التقييم؟! رجل يوازي الآلاف من الشهداء الذين فدوا الكويت بأرواحهم منذ نشأتها وحتى اليوم؟. ويوازي حكاماً أو يزيد على حكام؟

The street is split into two parts , one parts is Shuhada (martyrs) and the other part Abdullaziz Hamad Alsajir !! what kind of Evaluation is that ? a Man is worth thousands of martyrs that have sacrficed theirs lives for kuwait since its inception and worth rulers or more ?

Clearly we can see his problem , its the rulers part , since he is after all Secretary of the Royal Family
its not after all about martyrs , we do have an Arena named Shuhada , and to tell you the truth , everyone knows that Kuwait does not Care at all about its martyrs , Sure Every day The martyr this or THE martyr that ( THE martyr = Fahad AlAhmad AlSabah )
But no one else is mentioned , we don’t want to remember the invasion AT ALL ( we means government policy )

I love how is that Article he is trying to mention Bad things That Abdullaziz Hamad Alsajir Did , and lump good thing with it
he mention that he was one of the leaders of Monday Dewaniyas ( a popular movement to oppose the suspension of constitution )
and that his Brother Lead a movement

And HE want some recognition for THE martyr , newsflash THERE IS AN AREA NAMED AFTER HIM

Speaking of Area’s , Why we want to create confusion by naming an Area Mubarak AlAbdullah and naming another Area
Abdullah AlMubarak , thats asking to lose mail ( not that they need reason )

one part i like was this

أين ابراهيم المزين العجمي حامل العلم عندما قطعت يده اليمنى بالحرب حمل العلم بيده اليسرى الى ان استشهد.

Where is Ibrahim AlMuzain AlAjmi the Flag Carrier who when his Right hand was cut he held the Flag with his left till he was martyred

1- I Really think that is familiar
2- why name a street WHEN HE ISN’T IN THE HISTORY BOOK , Check the History Book of the Minsitry of Education NOTHING
hell i just tried to google it NOTHING EITHER
YOU DON’T TEACH US ABOUT THESE STUFF and when you do talk about history you try to make it as fluffy as possible

أين أسماء رجال الكويت القدامى الذين خدموها في مجالات مختلفة، منهم هلال المطيري وعلي بن شملان وإبراهيم المضف، الذين اختلفوا مع الحاكم مبارك الكبير وهاجرو

Where is the names of Old Kuwaitis that served Kuwait in many field like Hilal AlMutairi and Ali bin Shamlan , and Ibrahim AlMuthaf that disagreed with The ruler Mubarak AlKabeer and left Kuwait

Look , you need to chose a Side and stick to it , you said Abdullaziz Hamad Alsajir Was Bad because he disagreed with the Sheikh and left Kuwait , and these guys disagreed and left Kuwait but they are good ?

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