Category Archives: Travel

some details about my travels

Kuwaiti in and out of Kuwait business

i was suring around the net and found Q8 Site and under ” our Businesses ” they had this

Retail Service Stations

KPI’s network of more than 4,000 Q8 branded service stations extends across seven European countries – Italy, Germany, Sweden, Denmark, Holland, Belgium and Luxemburg.

Customers today expect a service station to provide more than fuel and the driving force behind all KPI’s products is the objective to meet customer needs better.

KPI is at the forefront of developing forecourt retailing by expanding the range of goods and services offered – serving the needs of the local communities and motorists. In some markets this is through establishing partnerships with other companies – in the Benelux an alliance with supermarket chain Delhaize provides a complete “mini-supermarket” service. Opportunities to link up with other companies to provide, for example, dry-cleaning and fast food facilities, are actively sought where they bring a clear customer benefit.

Car washing is an important facility for the motorist. KPI has one of the most advanced carwash operations in Europe and, in Denmark, is the market leader in this sector.
In most markets KPI has developed unique card payment technologies tailored to the needs of customers in each region.

KPI’s clear objective is to extend its innovative approach to retailing across the retail network

Good, you have an innovative approach, then why the hell isn’t it used on Kuwait? Most of you have seen how pathetic most of our fuel station looks like.

I went to the UAE, they have Great looking petrol station there, and you know what? WE DID IT FIRST OUTSIDE KUWAIT, but why didn’t we do it in Kuwait?

One of the things that is holding us in Kuwait is the “poor people ” mentality
What’s “poor people ” mentality you ask?

Its when you want to crack down on people who didn’t pay electricity bill , you will get leave the ” poor people ” , well , I’m sure as hell if we made everyone pay his god dam bill in 1991 its wouldn’t be in the thousands like now

Or when you try to enforce any law, for example when they wanted to remove shops from one of the residential area people started having ads in newspaper, and going we are “poor people “who run these shops

Not that Agree with the law that doesn’t let people open shops in residential unless it’s in a “jameyah “co-op (hell the law most was written from the “poor people who run the jameyah and wouldn’t get profit unless they have a lockdown on everything)

Road trip

A friend of mine in UAE want to come to kuwait in his car , and i wanted to go on a road trip for a long time

So i go with a friend of mine from kuwait to UAE , right now i’m in the UAE , i have one thing to say about that road

Its sucks

All the way from kuwait boarder till you get to UAE boarders just suck

Sands and sands and sands , and then more sand

They are building more road , but still like over 70% of the road is a 2 way road ( which suck when you are stuck behind a truck or you get someone trying to overtake the truck on the other side )

The drive from kuwait to Sharjah took around 15 hours , i was driving the first 13 hours ( my ass hurt a lot )
and some part of the road in saudi weren’t in a good shape which didn’t help much either

I just wish there was some kind of ferry that take you from kuwait to Dubai
i saw on Top gear program on the BBC a clip and they went on a ferry from newcastle to norway , and they said it was a 13 hour trip , but the ferry had beds and it had resturants

I was weak , i bought an ipod

While in the usa i bought a Ipod shuffle + a Cassette Adapter so i can play it on the car

How much are ipod shuffle in kuwait , i want to know if i got a good deal or i was ripped off

And does The ipod shuffle come without CD normaly ?

Also i’m a bit out of loop with these apple stuff , what is podcast ? the last Itune i just downloaded says its podcast support , i know there are 900000000000 X 100000 sites that talk about podcast , but i want something simple , what / where / how good ?