Category Archives: Rants

What Grind my Gears

No , you don’t own the street

Why does Bikers in Kuwait act like idiots ?

I was waiting for the Signal to turn green when suddenly couple of bikers started coming from all sides
and for the hell of it parked in front of me


As you notice , most of these idiots aren’t even wearing biking gear , not only that but two of them ( there are two others but aren’t in the picture ) were using Dirt bikes

Not only that , but the Signal turned green and these idiots were still chit chating and not moving even after few horns from everyone

I’m 100% sure that at least 50% of these are unlicensed bike users

Bikers , Pray to god I’m not appointed the Minister of Interior , you know what the first decree would be ? Ban Bikes on Ring Roads and give car drivers the license to run over bikers

USA Election 2008 Whoever wins , we lose

Its kinda funny to see people supporting Obama or McCain in Kuwait

Some are using argument that one of them is better than the other , some are still connected to the republican party ( by feeling of gratitude for Bush Sr part in liberation of Kuwait )
some liberals are still liberal , want to support all librals around the world ( just like communist back in the day or as the old joke says , we support all revolution and even the revolution on the Bounty )

In Fact both are Bad for Kuwait , for many reasons
I’ll just list one for each ( to be bipartisan )

Obama main Focus in Clean Energy and renewable energy , do you know where over 90% of our GDP comes from ? yeah the thing he want to get rid off

McCain is more focused on national security , and what the next threat to the USA ? Iran , which country is closer to Iran and its nuclear plants ? , Kuwait

and sadly our government is not equipped to combat any of these scenarios
when one parliament member is able to shack things up and shows that they couldn’t even build a defense infront of a lone member ( who isn’t covered by a tribe or sect or political party )

some Arabic Links about the Parliment member Enter-Q8 here and Exzombie here

Am I asking for too much?

* When I ask why the Support at our Government workplace doesn’t have User name / passwords so they can check my complaints and not ask for mine each time Am I asking for too much?

* When I ask that an employee to know his Civil ID number Am I asking for too much?

* When I ask that a Female employee give me an ID when she ask for a paper (with personal information) because she is wearing Veil (نقاب) Am I asking for too much?

* When ask the employee to wait a minute since I’m holding a phone and typing on the pc at the same time Am I asking for too much?

* When I ask the help desk to update IE6 to IE7 or install Firefox Am I asking for too much?

* When I ask my fellow female employee to not laugh out loud at the morning
(Didn’t do it yet, but they are pushing me into it) Am I asking for too much?

* When I ask you to read the detailed memo I wrote so you understand the full scope of the problem and not come ask me about it Am I asking for too much?

Kuwait Is Watching Blogs

Or that’s what Alwatan newspaper is saying that the Minister of Miss-communication is saying [link][Arabic]

AlWatan for those that do not follow Kuwait local newspaper , is basically anti-blogs for some reasons

I would say AlWatan is the Worst Newspaper in Kuwait reporting wise but it is kinda hard to know who is worse in news reporting in Kuwait , its like watching pigs and wondering which is less ugly than the other

For example i dislike the way Alwatan write its news , for some reason a news report must have something not connected to it at all
like the report about blog spying for some strange and unexplained reason they have attached the news that there is 1800 cases relating to the banking loans the Ministry of Justice is looking at now , what connection it has to the thing about Internet Censorship ? nothing , why not write it in another Box ? do they have limited number of box’s and they can’t add extra ?

Another thing you will see if you Read the same issue of Alwatan , is that Mohammad al-Sager ( Kuwaiti Parliament member ) car was stuck in the sand

okay ?

And ?

No really is that first page material ? nothing else to put on First page ?
I could understand the last page or the funny section but first page ? come on , really ?

Sadly in the end , most newspaper suck , can’t seem to find a good one yet


Maybe i should have a category for these kind of Posts

Small follow up to this Past Randomizer

* Got an A on that Acting Class.

* My books were Blocked by Customs , and i was asked for 25 kd to release them , i reordered them for 20 and i’m reading them currently.

in other News

* I have GRADUATED ! FINALLY god it feel like a lifetime .

* Since i have Graduated , its back to government work for me , the Sad and bureaucratic place.

* My sleep pattern have been destroyed and i don’t feel like trying to fix it when Ramadan is close.

* Too many happening on the Kuwaiti Blogsphere but i don’t feel like commenting on it
the Kuwait Guantanamo travesty , The forth oil refinery.

* I’m slowly adapting to the mod of Job, been on student mod for the past 3 years.

* If you are wondering why I’m posting when I should be at work
I’m at work, system down for maintenance, and when your job is data entry that means FREE TIME