Category Archives: websites

a link to an intersting site

Kuwait Blogger Meeting April

And it Was packed !

Been a while since we had a packed blogger meeting there were a lot of new faces this time
Attendance were

Tat The Don and he has a topic up about his birthday cake
G ( his user name is one letter , what can i do )
Nibaq with a big afro !
chikapappi first female blogger attendance WHAAAAAAAT ?
yes first female blogger listed on safat to attend a blogger meeting , history was written
more on her experience in her blog
– we got two contributors from bizkitpark
the stallion Was there also
Я ( yes another 1 letter 🙂 )
chilloutkuwait another female attendance <-- wait , WHAAAAAAT !!! 🙂 yes another female blogger ( bloggerite ? blogrine ? ) she also is written in history as first Kuwaiti female blogger listed in safat to attend a blogger meeting 🙂 There has been many discussions about many items , there is demand for action , things to come - Community events - Party ( them people and their parties ) - Sport day ( discussion moved toward paint ball , it seem people want to shoot someone 🙂 ) - Visits to couple places ( couple places suggested like entertainment city , Kubar island ) By the way , next meeting in wednesday 16th April , see you there 🙂

Food Fight !

It sometimes amaze me how stuff happen in kuwait
I mean who would have thought that we would be getting an online food ordering , not to mention grocery ordering

Well the next step is at Hand

Now we have TWO online food ordering

yes , ruby Tuesdays keep on calling me telling me they moved from 6alabat

into this new site


of course the other site seem poor on food choice still , i hope we got OTHER restaurant there , not some of 6alabat ones moving

A Follow up on the Case

It seem amazing but it does seem there is a follow up on the case i talked about before [link]

Alaan news site reported that

علمت الان أن النيابة العامة أن اتهام مؤسسو شركة أمانه للتخزين ضد وناشرها الدكتور سعد بن طفله العجمي ليست جريمة من جرائم النشر،

ِAlaan has been informed that The Prosecutors office will not consider the accusation of abuse toward the Amana company founders , under the press & publishing Law of 2006 against Dr Saad Bin Tiflah al Ajmee – the publisher of al alaan

they haven’t published the final report , but it would mean that online publishing does not fall under the publishing law YET

Ministry of Disiformation snopes on blogs

This was published in Alwatan daily in kuwait ( same people that seem to hate & attack blogs for some reason )

فريق متخصص شكلته الحكومة «لاعداد ضوابط رقابة على مستخدمي الانترنت ومؤسسي المواقع الالكترونية والمدوّنات السياسية»، يكون باكورة تشريع يتضمن عقوبات محددة تقر في مجلس الامة

A specialized team formed by the government for the preparation of checks and control over internet users and electronic sites and political blogs which would be the bases of a legislation with specified penalties to be set up by the parliament

The world is passing us and all what the government care about is what blogs are saying ?

China has tried before you and its failing , they had better technology , they had better knowledgeable manpower and had a bigger market ( good for pressure on companies like google / yahoo ) we don’t have any of that stop wasting your resources on things that wouldn’t imporve anything

Have you seen Kuwait TV ? wait i don’t think anyone watch it anymore even , i have visited many friends houses who do not have Kuwait channels on satalite even , have you seen Kuwait Radio ? worse shape even , go see those

oh and about the law , if there was any need to register i would not register and would contest the law in court god willing ( ان شاء الله)

The world is Watching , the ball in your court MOdI , lets see what you do with it

A Court Case to Follow

Sometimes i hate how hard it is to follow court cases in Kuwait
because some of them are realy important

One Case that just came up is very important to all bloggers and webmasters in kuwait because it will set a precedent
From Alaan news site

وجهت النيابة العامة صباح اليوم رسميا للدكتور سعد بن طفله العجمي-ناشر جريدة – اتهاما بالإساءة إلى مؤسسي شركة أمانة، وذلك بموجب قانون المطبوعات والنشر رقم 3 لسنة 2006. وقد دفع الدكتور بن طفله بعدم اختصاص النيابة النظر في هذا الاتهام بناء على:
1. عدم الاختصاص القانوني لأن قانون المطبوعات والنشر لا يشمل النشر على شبكة الانترنت.
2. عدم الاختصاص المكاني لأن الحاوي الرقمي (السيرفر SERVER ) لموقع جريدة الان موجود في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية.

The Prosecutors office today morning officially accused Dr Saad Bin Tiflah al Ajmee – the publisher of al alaan – an accusation of abuse toward the Amana company founders , under the press & publishing Law of 2006 , Dr Saad Claimed that Prosecutors had no jurisdiction to consider this accusation for these reasons
1- Lack of legal jurisdiction :The press & publication law does not cover online publishing
2- Lack of jurisdiction :The server which host Alaan online newspaper is in the USA

That would set a precedent for all us bloggers ( as far as i know , most blogs use Blogger or wordpress and some use private server neither of which are in Kuwait )