Category Archives: online games

talk about online games , like everquest or world of warcraft

geeky names ?

of course i don’t think anyone would do that here in kuwait , since it seem like everyone should the name pool in the family and try not to go out of it
most are named on his father father name or his mother father name , same goes for female names
i’m not out of that tradition

but in the USA , my god they use some truly geeky names
for example we have Optimus Prime , who serve in the national guard
and now we have Firiona Vie , named after a character from sony online game Everquest

what geeky name would you want to name your child ?

Enforcing the lazy Pc gamers stereotype

Great! Not only you get called lazy ass when you play Online PC games and people think bad about you
Now companies help the freaking stereotype!

Sir Luclin delivering a pizza! But he is evil!, So it must be an Evil pizza !

You’re in luck – pizza is just a few key strokes away! While playing EverQuest II just type /pizza and a web browser will launch the online ordering section of Fill in your info and just kick back until fresh pizza is delivered straight to your door.


look, I played online games, and yes I’m lazy, BUT NOT THAT LAZY, I could always take a time off to eat, hell one of my friend who I played with always took time off without telling us and went to eat, I stopped playing and went to eat with the family when it was time for lunch, but my god! Ordering while playing! Can’t you Dial the freaking number, what’s next? /clean room .

Speaking of which, I found this
this could shock you i think
Which I think isn’t a bad idea, but I wouldn’t do something like, I read in my bathroom 🙂