Kuwaiti Blogger Conspiracy …

Alwatan Newspaper discovered a kuwaiti blogger conspiracy
according to their news post

تشير هذه الشخصية البرلمانية الى ان «التجربة اثبتت ان المدونات الالكترونية نوعان، احدهما مؤقت أو غير متواصل يظهر ويغيب أو ربما يظل فترة بسيطة فلا يعود بعدها، وهذا وراءه نصف هواة أو مبتدئون أو نزوة فرّغت شحنة نفسية وانتهت.. اما الثاني فهم اصحاب اجندة عمل واهداف مرسومة ويتبعون تنظيما أيا كان حجمه.. فعملهم ليس صدفة أو نزوة، وفي النوعين تتوافر السرية.. الاول ضاعت حقيقته باستبعاد صاحبه عما اقدم عليه.. والثاني يظل يتداول فعله مع محيط عمله وفق آلية لها حدود العلن وآفاق الكتمان».

The Parliament member says that the ” experience prove that blogs are two kinds , one is a temporary and not continued appear and disappear and maybe stay for a short while but never return and this is from half amateurs
the second kind are people with agenda and planed targets and follow what ever its size , their work is not Coincidence and in the two kind there is secrecy , the first the Truth is lost about why he did it and the second still commenting his crime

This is going to be the first part of my expose on Kuwaiti bloggers

Our first is nibaq with his blog Savior Machine
some of you know nibaq as the guy who is running KuwaitBlogs site
on his blog about page he claim

I work in the import/export business. We import um stuff, and export…nothing.

Is that the truth ? check this and think

On his blog Wednesday April 4, 2007 , he posted that he is in Turkey

I am 80km from Istanbul in a small hotel needing a ferry ride and a two hour drive

Kuwaitis in Turkey thats normal right ? well no , its not the traveling season yet , because most schools / Universities aren’t on vacation yet , yet nibaq went to Turkey

And Check who else is in Turkey now

KUWAIT: The tour of His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Nasser AlـMohammed AlـSabah to Turkey

Coincidence ? i think not

more to come ….

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